PE and Sport Premium
The legacy of the 2012 Summer Olympics and Paralympics has had an impact on interest and involvement in sports, especially in schools. Since the 2013/14 academic year, the government has provided money for schools to improve the quality of PE and sport. This funding - provided jointly by the Department of Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport - is allocated to primary schools with the objective of achieving self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport. Sports funding is ring fenced and can only be spent on the provision of PE and sport in schools. Schools will be held to account over how they spend their funding.
St Wilfrid's Primary shares the Department for Education's vision that all pupils leaving our school are physically literate with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.
Primary PE and Sport Premium Statement 2021-22 Click Here
Primary PE and Sport Premium Statement 2022-23 Click Here
Primary PE and Sport Premium Statement 2023-24 Click Here
Primary PE and Sport Premium Statement 2024-25 Click Here