Daily Organisation
The official start of the school day is 8.55am.
Children in Reception to Year 3 should wait on the playground with an adult until the bell rings at 8.55am. They may then enter school to begin their day.
Children in Year 4 to 6 have the option of entering school from 8.45am and must do so if they on the school premises at this time.
Please ensure your child is at school by 8.55 at the latest. To arrive late causes disruption, not just for your child but also for other learners.
Registers are completed by 9am..
If you arrive after 9.05am, the gates into school will be locked. You will need to enter school through the main door and sign your child in. You will be asked about the reason for the lateness, as this needs to be recorded.
Children have lunch between 12 and 1pm.
We operate a staggered lunch hour to avoid overcrowding on the playground.
Reception to Year 3: 12-12.30 Lunch & 12.30-1pm Outdoor Play.
Year 4 to Year 6: 12-12.30 Outdoor Play & 12.30-1pm Lunch
The school day ends at 3.30pm for all children. The perimeter gates will be open from around 3.20pm to enable parents/carers to enter the playground.
Children in Reception to Year 6 attend school for 32.5 hours per week. This meets the recommended number of hours for a school week set by the Department of Education July 2023
Collecting children at the end of the day
All children from Reception to Y5 should be collected by a named adult or an older sibling if agreed previously with the Head teacher.
As part of our safeguarding responsibilities, we only permit Y6 children to leave the school unaccompanied. Parents should contact the school in writing to declare that their Y6 child has the maturity to take responsibility for getting themselves safely home.
Please be prompt collecting your child at the end of the day. Children get very anxious if you are late and staff also have other things to attend to.
If another adult is to collect your child either temporarily or permanently, please inform the school office. Your child’s teacher will not release your child to adults who are not listed in our records for collection. If for any reason you are unavoidably delayed, please contact the school office with details of who will collect your child. Please ensure that emergency telephone numbers and contact names for your child are up to date at all times.
If you need to collect your child from school during the day for an appointment please come to the school office where you will be asked to sign that you have collected your child. A member of staff will collect your child from their class. Please avoid making appointments during the school day. Any time missed from lessons makes it difficult for your child to keep up with their learning.