Autumn two
Ancient Egypt day
What an amazing day we had to celebrate our Ancient Egypt topic. Well done and thank you to all the children who came dressed in such wonderful outfits!
We spent the day mummifying tomatoes, using hieroglyphics to create and crack codes and researched the Gods to decide who we would most like to be.
Christ the King
Below is a range of artwork produced by members of Class 4 to show their interpretation of Christ the King and Gospel reading, John 18: 33-37. We reflected on the Bible passage and discussed the meaning; I hope you can see the time and effort which has gone into these thoughtful drawings.
We have been working really hard on our yoga in Class 4 this term. We have discussed the need for balance and stability to create and hold poses. Each week, we have been building our knowledge of the different poses and building them up into a range of flows.
Ancient Egypt non chronological reports
All children in Class 4 produced an excellent and informative non chronological report on Ancient Egypt. We have gathered our knowledge and ideas from a range of sources so we can produce a report which is full of facts rather than opinions. |
Our class text for Autumn term will be Joseph Coelho's 'Zombierlla.'
Autumn one
The Tempest
Well being day
Geography fieldwork
As part of our Geography unit on our local area, we took part in a land use field work study. Using a copy of our digimaps we explored our local area to identify the different land uses around our school. |
Black and British
Yesterday we had an inspirational workshop learning about Black people in Britain. The children really pushed themselves beyond their comfort zone and took part in a drama workshop to celebrate the diversity in Britain since Roman times.
Creation - What does 'The Creation' story really mean?
We have spend this half term really analysing The Creation story and looking at the meaning and messages behind the text. We then looked at The Fall and how the fact we still have sin in our world links all the way back to that event. The children then took the message behind The Fall and created artwork to show their thoughts and interpretations of the stories main message.
Learning to touch type
Our year 4s have been learning how to touch type in their computing sessions. So far, we have focused on the middle line of the keyboard and we will progress our skills so that eventually we will be able to use the whole keyboard without looking! Touch typing is a great skill to learn and we will be using this computing skill to help publish our writing work in the future.
Football success
What a few days we have had! We took part in the football event at SJF this week and all children did amazingly; they were a credit to themselves and the school. |
Rounding numbers
We took advantage of the September sun and took our maths outside. We have been rounding large numbers and Mrs Moss hid 6 digit numbers around the field for us to round to the nearest 100 and 1,000. Great work Year 5s we are getting there!
CAFOD with Maggie linked to our RE
We were fortunate to take part in the latest CAFOD campaign, looking at areas in our world that could benefit from out support. We then used the message of the assembly to support our learning on Catholic Social Teaching.
Summer term 2024
The man who walked between the Towers
Spring term 2024
First Aid workshop
What a great session we had with Flat Stan First Aid. We were shown how to support someone who had been hurt and how we could help someone in an emergency situation.
All the children had a great go at using theses new skills and quickly became confident using them.
Trip to the Life Centre
What a great day we had visiting the Life Centre in Newcastle. We explored the museum and took part in various workshops and Science show. Well done to all children, you all had amazing questions, thoughts and ideas.
Brain Zone - How much does a brain weigh? How do you think? What can trick your brain? All these questions were answered in the Brain Zone.
Extreme materials workshop - In this workshop the children were challenged to discover which materials were most suitable for building in the extreme conditions of Antarctica. The children tested materials for their strength, insulation and absorption properties.
Science show and Making Zone
The Planetarium - we learnt about different constellations and even took a rocket journey to the moon.
World Book day - What's the word?
Class 4 gave a fantastic performance at the Musicathon at Holy Trinity Church on Friday 23rd February. Everyone did their best and we were really proud of the professional performance that they gave.
Viking Boy
Please find the chapters for Viking Boy to support you at home.
Chapter 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiubWzYMngg
Chapter 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIVFisKt1mQ
Chapter 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytXfYgRhbN4
Chapter 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcHZjFDPKDk
Chapter 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHglUTSohSs
Chapter 6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOk5h-HJyWc
Chapter 7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JyA2zHJuT8
Chapter 8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E63KGiN6ljU
Chapter 9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-XVjBPxEek
Chapter 10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4y27VZb8_78
Chapter 11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tj8TpIaPsKQ
Chapter 12 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gJleYG2k-E
Forest School
Oh Maya Gods!
Fantastic fractions
Anti-bullying week
In Class 4 we have been taking part in anti-bullying week. This year, the theme has been 'make some noise' and we have written our own songs to help raise awareness of anti-bullying and how to stamp it out.
Harry Potter day
What a day we have had! The children did an incredible job dressing up and taking part in our magical day. The children were sorted into houses so they could work and support each other throughout the day. After the sorting hat did it's job, it was time for herbology. The children designed their own plant and what great responses we had: some were evil, some kind and some sounded tasty.
Then we had potions class. The children had everything from, dragon's blood to crushed unicorn horn and super sonic starts to muggle nails.
What a lovely lunch Mrs Jones made for us, thank you!
Netball training
We had a great netball session yesterday as we had a visitor come in a teach the Year 4s some netball drills and skills. The session ended with a full match which the children loved. There was great teamwork and collaboration throughout the session; well done children.
How different is the UK coastline?
We have been investigating the process of coastal erosion and how it creates different geographical features along the coast. The children have been able to identify the features and recreate their own model to show how coastal erosion progresses over time.
Where is Ripon? We have been using our locational knowledge to find Ripon with in the UK. We are able to locate North Yorkshire on a UK map as well as the bordering counties. We have also begun to see how near or far away from the coast we are, ready for our next topic!
Children have been sent home with their Spelling Bee words (an email has gone out explaining this). Remember these words are for this half term and you just have to improve your score by 5 to get your certificate!
Children also have a bookmark with their year group spellings, these are just ongoing and we will be looking at them in school as well. (Feel free to work on them at home too if you wish!)
Our class text this half term in Harry Potter. Each week a part of the book will be sent home to read. We will put the links out so that children may also listen along with the text .
Chapter 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTCCZuzeH24
Chapter 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5S0uFIpZq5c
Chapter 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zab4Zd55in8
Chapter 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX2Ync03Pwk
Chapter 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF3t1M8XBlM
Chapter 6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqfss_86d18
Chapter 7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyUvANqIZmc
Chapter 8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFvdEIWwDio (slightly different link but the chapter is there after a little summary of chapter 7!)
Chapter 9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqcylPXPv7M
Chapter 10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhGUNFlNBXA
Chapter 11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfWTQ_u8ZSo
Chapter 12 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0btA8mMiDF4 slightly different link)
Chapter 13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=471lWh3-DO4
Chapter 14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okwKknZBLoE
We will be reading the book in school, however we ask the children to keep up with the reading at home. This is really important as it feeds into our writing.
Usually the reading homework will be set on a Thursday ready for the following Tuesday.
We've started our new PE units and all the children have got stuck in and enjoyed the new challenges.
Summer Term 2023
Class 4 ended the Summer Term with a Tudor workshop and their footprints reward. We had a great year. |
Our DT project has culminated with the children in Class 4 designing, assembling and testing their simple motorised vehicles. |
Congratulations to the children in Class 4 for achieving their footprint reward. They choose to visit the spa gardens and local park which they thoroughly enjoyed. |
Spring Term 2023
Would you know how to make a pulley system to get the lighthouse keeper's sandwiches across the ravine? This, along with the use of gears, is what the children in class 4 have investigated in their DT lessons. |
For World Book Day, the children designed and made a mask to represent their favourite book character. |
The children in class 4 have thoroughly enjoyed the Forest School experience - they have been studying Living Things and their Habitats. Both the children and animals could be found out in all weathers. |
Science: This half term the children have been learning about light. They have enjoyed making a periscope and Newton's Colour Wheel. |
Outdoor Activities: Learning has continued outside the classroom with skipping and a treasure hunt linked to our Wellbeing Day. |
Art: Our Banksy art topic culminated in a classroom display of Graffiti Tags. |